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Search Results Hotel Hesperia Isla Margarita

Offer advantages

  • beautifully located between green hills and ocean
  • close to a sandy beach
  • nice swimming pool and paddling pool for children

Hotel Hesperia Isla Margarita Code: PMVHESP


Hotel Hesperia Isla Margarita


in the north part of the island, approx. 2 km from the centre of PEDRO GONZALEZ with shops, bars and restaurants, approx. 14 km from Juan Griego, approx. 45 km from Porlamar; approx. 45 km from the airport on Margarita; free hotel bus to the Sambil shopping centre (11.00, 15.00, 16.00, 20.00).

Pedro Gonzalez, public, sandy, gently shelving beach, right next to the hotel (250 m from the main building), access via hotel garden, umbrellas, sunbeds, mattresses and towels.

five-star, built in 1989, renovated in 2009, 312 rooms, 1 buildings (3 wings), 3 floors, 4 elevators, spacious and elegant lobby, 24h reception, Puerto Viejo restaurant - buffet meals, themed cuisine, children's highchairs and menu available, vegetarian dishes, à la carte restaurants: Fogon - Italian cuisine, highchairs for children available, Vandelvira - international cuisine, highchairs for children available, vegetarian dishes, Caney de Playa on the beach - sea; bars: Chaguaramo in the lobby, Bohio by the pool, Caney on the beach, White Peacock, money exchange, shops: multibranch, clothes, cosmetics, sweets, souvenirs, jeweller; conference centre for 200 people, terrace with garden-view, garden, free wireless Internet in the reception; extra charges: Internet cafe (approx. 5 USD/30 min), room-service, childcare, hairdresser; floor height differences occur (stairs) - not recommended for persons with mobility limitations; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club.

standard: 2-person (1 extra bed for children available), approx. 20 m², functionally furnished, individually steered air-conditioning, bathroom (bath, shower, wc; hairdryer), satellite TV, telephone, fridge; extra charges: wireless Internet (approx. 5 USD/30 min), safety deposit box (approx. 1 USD/day); free cot for children up to 2 years old on order before arrival; garden-view; sea-view at a charge.; junior suite: 2-person (1 or 2 extra beds for children available), approx. 35 m², air-conditioned, bathroom (bath, shower; hairdryer), separate wc, satellite TV, telephone, safety deposit box; extra charges: wireless Internet (payable: approx. 5 USD/30 min), mini-bar; free cot for children up to 2 years old on order before arrival; junior suite room on order, at a charge.

swimming pool, sweet water, approx. 400 m², depth 0.5-1.5 m, paddling pool for children, sweet water, approx. 20 m², umbrellas, sunbeds, and towels available by the pools free of charge; indoor pool, sweet water, approx. 50 m², depth 1 m, heated, hydro massage, 2 tennis courts, gym; playground and playroom for children, mini-club (4-12 y.o.), disco, amphitheatre, recreation and sport animations for adults and children; 18-hole golf course near the hotel (payable).

buffet breakfast (7.30­10.00), buffet lunch (12.30-14.30), buffet dinner (19.00-22.00) in the restaurant; snacks in the snack bar (15.00-18.00); soft drinks and local alcoholic drinks in indicated bars (10.00-23.00); wearing all inclusive bands is required.


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Margarita znaczy perła. I chociaż nazwa pochodzi z dawnych czasów, kiedy wyspa słynęła z połowu pereł, jest ciągle aktualna, bo teraz największym skarbem Margarity są bajkowe krajobrazy, tropikalne słońce, piaszczyste plaże, krystalicznie czyste turkusowe morze i fantastyczna atmosfera krainy wiecznych wakacji.

The bright three-wing building of the hotel, with characteristic high windows, fits in beautifully with the green mountains overgrown with tropical vegetation. The hotel lies by the beautiful bay of Puerto Viejo, from which the hotel restaurant got its name. The peaceful surroundings and exotic nature encourage you to relax and get away from everyday life. The hotel has an impressive atrial lobby, a few bars that are like for their good drinks, a restaurant, as well as a lovely swimming pool and paddling pool for children.

LOCATION: in the north part of the island, approx. 2 km from the centre of PEDRO GONZALEZ with shops, bars and restaurants, approx. 14 km from Juan Griego, approx. 45 km from Porlamar; approx. 45 km from the airport on Margarita; free hotel bus to the Sambil shopping centre (11.00, 15.00, 16.00, 20.00).

BEACH: Pedro Gonzalez, public, sandy, gently shelving beach, right next to the hotel (250 m from the main building), access via hotel garden, umbrellas, sunbeds, mattresses and towels.

HOTEL: five-star, built in 1989, renovated in 2009, 312 rooms, 1 buildings (3 wings), 3 floors, 4 elevators, spacious and elegant lobby, 24h reception, Puerto Viejo restaurant - buffet meals, themed cuisine, children's highchairs and menu available, vegetarian dishes, à la carte restaurants: Fogon - Italian cuisine, highchairs for children available, Vandelvira - international cuisine, highchairs for children available, vegetarian dishes, Caney de Playa on the beach - sea; bars: Chaguaramo in the lobby, Bohio by the pool, Caney on the beach, White Peacock, money exchange, shops: multibranch, clothes, cosmetics, sweets, souvenirs, jeweller; conference centre for 200 people, terrace with garden-view, garden, free wireless Internet in the reception; extra charges: Internet cafe (approx. 5 USD/30 min), room-service, childcare, hairdresser; floor height differences occur (stairs) - not recommended for persons with mobility limitations; credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club.

ROOM: standard: 2-person (1 extra bed for children available), approx. 20 m², functionally furnished, individually steered air-conditioning, bathroom (bath, shower, wc; hairdryer), satellite TV, telephone, fridge; extra charges: wireless Internet (approx. 5 USD/30 min), safety deposit box (approx. 1 USD/day); free cot for children up to 2 years old on order before arrival; garden-view; sea-view at a charge.; junior suite: 2-person (1 or 2 extra beds for children available), approx. 35 m², air-conditioned, bathroom (bath, shower; hairdryer), separate wc, satellite TV, telephone, safety deposit box; extra charges: wireless Internet (payable: approx. 5 USD/30 min), mini-bar; free cot for children up to 2 years old on order before arrival; junior suite room on order, at a charge.

SPORT AND ENTERTAINMENT: swimming pool, sweet water, approx. 400 m², depth 0.5-1.5 m, paddling pool for children, sweet water, approx. 20 m², umbrellas, sunbeds, and towels available by the pools free of charge; indoor pool, sweet water, approx. 50 m², depth 1 m, heated, hydro massage, 2 tennis courts, gym; playground and playroom for children, mini-club (4-12 y.o.), disco, amphitheatre, recreation and sport animations for adults and children; 18-hole golf course near the hotel (payable).

ALL INCLUSIVE: buffet breakfast (7.30­10.00), buffet lunch (12.30-14.30), buffet dinner (19.00-22.00) in the restaurant; snacks in the snack bar (15.00-18.00); soft drinks and local alcoholic drinks in indicated bars (10.00-23.00); wearing all inclusive bands is required.

CONTACT: 0058/2954007111,


The hours of serving meals provided in the offer as well as the functioning of particular elements of the hotel infrastructure may be subject to slight changes due to seasonality, weather conditions, guests' requests or force majeure, which the hotelier will not have the control of.

*Information on the official categorization of the hotel can be found in the description of the presented facilities ("Hotel” p) and it is consistent with the categorization used in a given country. Each country uses its own criteria for assigning a specific category.

The description includes all amenities that a hotel disposes. Due to local regulations regarding current hotel functioning and guests safety, the use of some of the hotel amenities may be limited. This condition may change in line with the introduction of new regulations or hotel occupancy.

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